An online and open access Pre-Calculus Course (MOOC) in English
12 lectures, 12 examples from Real Life Examples, 12 frequent exams
Pre-Calculus Course Notes
Integrated System for Interactive Knowledge Transfer
Daniel Florin Sofonea, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania
Update of existed modules among the HEI partners
Designing for a combined use of a dynamic mathematics software environment
and a computer-aided assessment system
On-going project at KAU
Designing an Agile and Sustainable Education Approach with Problem-Based Learning
Problem Based Learning in mathematical subjects at engineering study programes
PBL from Bachelor to Engineer at STU
Introducing miniPBL in Mathematical Subjects
The Impact of Visualization on Mathematical TeachingDaniela Velichová, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia