UNIVERSIDAD DE LA LAGUNA, La Laguna Tenerife, Canarias, Spain September 28 - 29, 2023
Basic Information
Programme of TPM 2
Programme and Abstracts September 28, 2023 September 28, 2023
Session #1: Mini PBLs for pre-calculus course by HMU,
Evangelos Kokkinos, HMU, Greece
Session #2: Designing an Agile and Sustainable Education Approach
with Problem-Based Learning,
Babo Lurdes & Jorge Mendonça, P.PORTO, Portugal
Session #3: Introducing miniPBL in mathematical subjects at STU in
Bratislava, Slovakia,
Daniela Velichová & Jana Gabková, STU, Slovakia
Session #4: Exploring the world of Artificial Intelligence through
computational thinking in pre-university studies,
Rafael Herrero-Álvarez, Cultural Classroom of
Computational Thinking-ULL, Spain
Session #5: Group work methodologies in Mathematics Education,
Jennifer Dóniz, EVM, Spain
Session #6: Theoretical framework(s) for combining ICT and real life
examples for teaching and learning mathematics,
Olga Timcenko, AAU, Denmark
Session #7: Part 1: Example-generating tasks in a computer-aided assessment system,
Mats Brunström, Maria Fahlgren and Mirela Vinerean-Bernhoff, KAU Sweden
Part 2: The use of STACK/Moodle for the development of a system
based on adapted feedback
regarding the improvement of students'
understanding level of mathematical notions,
Ana-Maria Acu, Nicolae Constantinescu, Augusta Ratiu, Florin Sofonea, Oana Ticleanu and
Ioan Tincu, ULBS, Romania
Innovating methods for teaching and learning: constructing and implementing examples in a computer assessment system (STACK)
Daniel Florin Sofonea, ULBS, Romania
Session #8: Teaching mathematical models around the SDG,
Diana Sosa, Israel García & Rodrigo Trujillo, ULL, Spain
Session #9: Gamification,
Georgios Triantafyllidis, AAU, Denmark